In Germany, a successful Easter celebration primarily includes a colorfully filled Easter nest, for young and old. With colored eggs, of course, as well as a colorful selection of sweets, which are only available a few weeks before Easter.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
83 products
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NiedereggerNiederegger marzipan chocolates classic variations 300g
Sale price33.86 лв BGN
112.87 лв
FerreroFerrero Mon Chéri cherry chocolates 30 pieces 315g
Sale price19.89 лв BGN
Regular price24.88 лв BGN
63.14 лв
FerreroFerrero Mon Chéri cherry chocolates 15 pieces 157g
Sale price9.92 лв BGN
Regular price11.91 лв BGN
63.18 лв
KinderFerrero Kids Surprise Pink Egg 'Disney Princesses' 20g / 0.7oz
Sale price5.33 лв BGN
266.50 лв