In Germany, a successful Easter celebration primarily includes a colorfully filled Easter nest, for young and old. With colored eggs, of course, as well as a colorful selection of sweets, which are only available a few weeks before Easter.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
52 products
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LindtLindt Limoncello Milk Chocolate Bar 100g / 3.52oz
Sale price₡ 2.097,05 CRC
Regular price₡ 2.625,27 CRC
₡ 20.970,50
RUFRUF Schokoletto Cake Mix with Glaze 500g / 17.63oz (Copy)
Sale price₡ 2.466,80 CRC
₡ 4.933,60
RUFRUF crispy biscuits gluten-free baking mix 475g / 16.75oz
Sale price₡ 2.783,74 CRC
₡ 5.860,51
RUFRUF Colorful Party Cake Baking Mix Gluten-Free 815g / 28.74oz
Sale price₡ 3.153,49 CRC
₡ 3.869,31
Dr. OetkerDr. Oetker fine marzipan carrots for decorating 12 pieces
Sale price₡ 2.625,27 CRC
₡ 62.506,43
FerreroFerrero Mon Chéri Cherry Club Winter Punch 15 pieces 157g
Sale price₡ 2.625,27 CRC
Regular price₡ 3.153,49 CRC
₡ 16.721,46