In Germany, a successful Easter celebration primarily includes a colorfully filled Easter nest, for young and old. With colored eggs, of course, as well as a colorful selection of sweets, which are only available a few weeks before Easter.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
119 products
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LindtLindt Lindor chocolate Easter eggs mixture 180g / 6.34 oz
Sale price₡ 5.110,22 CRC
₡ 28.390,11
LindtLindt Specialties Mixture Chocolate Easter Eggs 180g / 6.34 oz
Sale price₡ 4.300,79 CRC
₡ 23.893,28
LindtLindt Gold Bunny White Chocolate & Strawberry Easter 100g / 3.52 oz
Sale price₡ 3.707,20 CRC
₡ 37.072,00
LindtLindt Chocolate Gold Bunny Flowers Edition Easter 100g / 3.52 oz
Sale price₡ 3.383,43 CRC
₡ 33.834,30
HariboHaribo pearl eggs jelly half egg with sugar pearls Easter edition 200g
Sale price₡ 1.602,68 CRC
₡ 9.158,17
HariboHaribo Colorful Flowers fruit gum flowers with confectionery filling Easter edition 175g
Sale price₡ 1.602,68 CRC
₡ 9.158,17
HariboHaribo meringue eggs foam sugar dragees Easter edition 175g
Sale price₡ 1.602,68 CRC
₡ 9.158,17
HariboHARIBO Happy Easter fruit gum, foam sugar and jelly with nonpareil 200g
Sale price₡ 1.602,68 CRC
₡ 8.013,40
NiedereggerNiederegger marzipan chocolates classic variations 300g
Sale price₡ 9.157,38 CRC
₡ 30.524,60
NiedereggerNiederegger marzipan white bread without chocolate 125g
Sale price₡ 2.681,92 CRC
Regular price₡ 3.221,54 CRC
₡ 21.455,36
NiedereggerNiederegger marzipan bread with milk chocolate 125g
Sale price₡ 2.681,92 CRC
Regular price₡ 3.221,54 CRC
₡ 21.455,36
NiedereggerNiederegger marzipan brown bread with dark chocolate 125g
Sale price₡ 2.681,92 CRC
Regular price₡ 3.221,54 CRC
₡ 21.455,36
FerreroFerrero Mon Chéri cherry chocolates 30 pieces 315g
Sale price₡ 5.380,03 CRC
Regular price₡ 6.729,08 CRC
₡ 17.079,46
KatjesKatjes Green-Ear Bunny vegan foam sugar fruit gum 175g
Sale price₡ 1.440,79 CRC
₡ 7.203,95
FerreroFerrero Mon Chéri cherry chocolates 15 pieces 157g
Sale price₡ 2.681,92 CRC
Regular price₡ 3.221,54 CRC
₡ 17.082,29
KinderFerrero Kids Surprise Pink Egg 'Disney Princesses' 20g / 0.7oz
Sale price₡ 1.440,79 CRC
₡ 72.039,50