In Germany, a successful Easter celebration primarily includes a colorfully filled Easter nest, for young and old. With colored eggs, of course, as well as a colorful selection of sweets, which are only available a few weeks before Easter.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
Here you will find a large selection to fill a typical German Easter nest, and treats for the egg hunt with the whole family.
120 products
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TrumpfTrumpf Noble Gotas en Mezcla de Barra de Nueces Cocktail Club 250g
Sale price$326,24 UYU
KinderFerrero Kinder Surprise Maxi Classic Egg 'Marvel' 100g / 3.52 oz
Sale price$373,05 UYU
LindtLindt Lindor Chocolate Balls Tiramisu 137g / 4.83oz
Sale price$307,52 UYU
Regular price$373,05 UYU
LindtLindt Limoncello Milk Chocolate Bar 100g / 3.52oz
Sale price$185,82 UYU
Regular price$232,63 UYU
LindtLindt Raspberry Pannacotta Chocolate Easter Eggs 90g / 3.19 oz
Sale price$274,75 UYU
LindtLindt Nougat Cacao Nibs Chocolate Easter Eggs 90g / 3.19 oz
Sale price$274,75 UYU
LindtLindt Gold Bunny Bar Caramel & Salt Chocolate Easter 120g / 4.23oz
Sale price$232,63 UYU
AsbachAsbach Pralines Delicate Bottles Whole Milk with Crust 100g
Sale price$419,85 UYU